Marcy had a great time & looked beautiful------ in the genes ha!!
The principal Mrs. Petrucelli gave a wonderful speech, as she is retiring. 
she was Owen's vice principal when he got sick & took over for him when he 
couldn't. She said it was especially nice to have Marcy , as Owen's niece, to 
be in her last graduating class. As usual, Owen had everything sorted out HA!
It was very nostalgic for me to have Marcy graduate from St. Patrick's with 
the "Dutch" priest & all the Stonemans & Doyles there.
Now for the "fun years" eh!!! 
As typical of grade 8's, they all walked down, in the gowns & bare feet, & 
suits, to the Caledonia Legion for a dance.   What a sight HA!!
 Thanks for all the good wishes. It has been a very good year for Marcy.

love to all.  Marion 

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