Il giorno 01/feb/09, alle ore 12:33, supermac ha scritto:

myOSX11-GL v(0.98) 69.3mb - Live CD x11-gl98.iso 2008-05-29, arch= x86

Minimal desktop system with Xorg and Xgl+Compiz servers, in addition there is *Video editing, compositing, 3D modeling, animation, image and sound editor -Blender, *Raster graphic editor - GNU Image Manipulation Program - Gimp, *Web browser with Flash plug-in and js dictionary- Opera...

How to use?
This is a Live CD system, nothing to setup or configure, no need for installation, it runs completely from RAM - minimum 256mb @ PC or x86 Macintosh

1.) download *.iso
2.) burn CD
3.) restart
4.) have fun...

Beh qui non parla di utility per recupero dati...
Certo se riesci a montare l´hd potresti tentare di copiare i dati (dove? hd esterno?) Di piú però non mi voglio sbilanciare, anche perchè non conosco il tuo problema :P


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