> i tried even the absolute path in case APP_ROOT is not supported but not
> working.

I seem to remember support for something like this being added. But am not 
sure. You could check the source.

> For some reason, I'm not able to do it even using the infinitekind
> appbundler, maybe it is not supporting jdk 1.8
> Any help is appreciated.

It is probably not a problem in passing the JVMOption, I would guess about 
anything you say is a JVMOption is probably passed as is without much, if any, 
If this is true then appbundler or infinitekind shouldn't matter. The problem 
would probably be the OS X port support of the splash option.
Does it run command line? java -splash:path/to/image ...
I think you would need the 1.8 JDK installed to check this.

Michael Hall

trz nio.2 for OS X http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#trz

HalfPipe Java 6/7 shell app http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#halfpipe

AppConverter convert Apple jvm to openjdk apps 

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