On Mar 31, 2015, at 11:03 AM, David DeHaven <david.deha...@oracle.com> wrote:

>> I was trying to figure out some way to have 8 the default and still have 9 
>> available for testing last night. Still working on it.
> Just move it out of /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, then the stub tools 
> won't be able to find it. Once moved you can use JAVA_HOME to tell the stub 
> tools to use it or call it directly.

Since I do most of my testing with one particular application of my own. I was 
trying to figure out how to embed Java 9 JRE or JDK into a copy of the 
I haven’t done that much with embedding. It seemed to indicate different files 
missing. I was thinking this was because the directory structure I was copying 
into Plugins wasn’t starting at the right place. 
I started wondering if the JavaAppLauncher code as is would even work with the 
current Java 9 JRE/JDK? 
I was then thinking that I’d launch some other way. Maybe make the application 
launch executable a bash script. I might loose AppleEvents that way though and 
the app just might have launch dependencies on running some AppleScript’s. It 
has become OS X’ified over time since I last tried doing anything with it on 

Do you know should JavaAppLauncher work with the Java 9 builds?

Michael Hall

trz nio.2 for OS X http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#trz

HalfPipe Java 6/7 shell app http://www195.pair.com/mik3hall/index.html#halfpipe

AppConverter convert Apple jvm to openjdk apps 

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