Just a note:

I don't know if this is related or not, but recently I had a situation 
where I was attempting to back up OS/X borne files to an OS/9 server.  
They had lengthy filenames.  Every time I tried doing a 'drag-copy' I 
received an error -35 message.

After breaking the sub-folders down & finding the culprits it was indeed 
that the filenames were too long.  Upon shortening them I was able to 
copy them without incident.

Unfortunately I didn't count the number of characters involved.  I can 
only assume that OS/9 has a shorter filename limit than OS/X.

Oh and BTW - it is a coincidence that in your conversation: 27 is 31 
minus the dot-3 extension?

On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 06:05 AM, Peter N Lewis wrote:

>> ----------
>> From:        Peter N Lewis[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent:        Thursday, October 10, 2002 6:05:35 AM
>> Subject:     Re: Why is 27 special?
>> Auto forwarded by a Rule
> At 3:09 -0500 10/10/02, _brian_d_foy wrote:
>> this means that the 20 fixed bytes between the volume name and the 
>> date,
>> which are \000 in every case i looked at, is really 27 - (length of 
>> volume
>> name).  i can name partitions with names up to 27 characters, but if i 
>> go past
>> that it look like it initially works but then gives a warning. what's 
>> the deal?
>> what is magic about 27?  why not 31?  i assume that these are C 
>> strings somewhere
>> so the null bytes makes them a nice, even number.
> Mac volume names are limited to 27 characters.  See
> http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/mac/Files/Files-102.html
> for a description for the Master Directory Blocks (aka volume 
> information block).  If I had to guess, I'd say that the volume name 
> was intended to be 31 characters, and then at the last minute the 
> volume backup date field was added in at the end of the name which 
> reduced the length of the volume name from 31 to 27 characters.
> Enjoy,
>    Peter.
> -- I was away for two months and have just returned, and now have
> 4600 messages to wade through, so sorry for any delays.
> <http://www.interarchy.com/>  <http://download.interarchy.com/>

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