On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 21:02:14 -0500, Vic Norton wrote:
> My actual script looks for the pattern "m/\xa5/" in the data. If I 
> make the script executable and run it from the terminal, it finds 
> "A5". If I execute the script from BBEdit, either directly or "Run in 
> Terminal", no "A5" is found.
Okay... I think the problem here is that BBEdit doesn't use your Environmental 

You can print them with the following one liner

        perl -e 'use Data::Dumper; print Dumper (\%ENV);'

Do yourself a favor and put the above perl into a script, run it from the command line 
and run it from BBEdit. If you see differences you might want to read up on the 
.MacOSX/environment.plist file and how it is used.


If you don't want to go through the steps mentioned in the article above, you might 
want to follow the steps in the following use.perl journal entry by brian d foy.



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