On Jan 17, 2004, at 2:31 PM, dennis Geller wrote:

I'm working with Perl for the first time under OS X and having some difficulties. Some I've found answered in the archives, but ...
First, I don't seem to have mastered dumpValue. My call to it looks like this:

 @departments=  keys %all;
 sort @departments;
 dumpValue([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

@departments is not empty, but nothing is printed from dumpValue

Did you mean to use Dumpvalue vice the older Data::Dumper? What exactly were you looking for?

I'm accessing the file with a full pathname:

$WDir= "Volumes/Lore/AHSmaildirectory/";
open(NAMEFILE,"<" . $WDir . $InputFile) || die "Can't open input file";

actually you need to start a Fully Qualified pathname
from "/" hence your $WDir would need to be

$WDir= "/Volumes/Lore/AHSmaildirectory/";

to start with the top "/" in the path.

are you using 'use strict' and 'use warnings'???



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