On Saturday, January 24, 2004, at 12:18 am, Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
Readability? Why use a module for anything?
It's not exactly rocket science to understand the escapes and seriously, using a print for each and every escape code format ? Expensive much? And what about situations where you can't use print like a multiplexing socket?

Modules are good, but then sometimes the price they ask is too high for what they actually do. IMHO of course.

Note the implmentation of ANSI varies wildly, so expect colour and
(possibly) formatting but not consistency. Especially from Mircrosoft
Another good argument for using the module...
It's not magic, it has no silver bullet to ensure every terminal will show the same colours/formats, simply because the module uses the same escape codes I listed in my earlier posting, being as they are ANSI standards :).


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