[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 2/4/04 at 10:48p:

> So my next question is: What is Acrobat doing when opening a file that 
> SetFileInfo isn't?

Setting the correct file type?  :^)

According to your previous message, you're doing this:

    MacPerl::SetFileInfo('CARO', 'PDF', $path);

HFS file and creator types are four-bytes long; the file type for
PDF is "PDF ", with a trailing space, not "PDF". So try changing the
above line to:

    MacPerl::SetFileInfo('CARO', 'PDF ', $path);

and I think you'll be set.

Hope this helps,

John Gruber          |              Daring Fireball
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |    http://daringfireball.net

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