On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 17:58:54 -0800, Chuck Rice wrote:
> I am a perl newbie and I am trying to install Mac::iTunes. When I do, 
> I get lots  of what look to be syntax errors about missing 
> parentheses, and deprecated function calls, and such, and then iTunes 
> launches, does some strange things to the screen and then the install 
> finally fails. What did I install incorrectly? -Chuck-
> P.S what the heck is "#     expected: 'The Wee Kirkcudbright Centipede'"
Okay... Here are a few pointers to what could be the problem:

        The author of the module, brian d foy, is right now in Iraq, that strange 
place in the desert the USA choose to invade.

        Him, brian d foy, being in Iraq, is a slight problem. Yet there might be a 
(slow) solution

        Visit brian's sourceforge web site and file bug-report (with the output that 
'make test' returns), and he might find the time to help you in the long run.

        BTW. the problem might be you are using a higher version of iTunes, than brian 
did develop his module for. The last time I read about Mac::iTunes, he stated that he 
has to reverse engineer the new changes to some of the newest iTunes files. Him being 
in Iraq meant he got his iTunes update as part of iLife... through the mail. The 
internet is to slow for a live update.

        The quick, FAST, and dirty way for you is to install the module with from CPAn 
with FORCE.  I.e. FORCE INSTALL Mac::iTunes.


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