On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Jerry LeVan wrote:

> Anacron does not appear to run cron jobs at at particular time

Yeah, that's the whole point.

The emphasis shifts from "I want this maintainence script to run at 3:47
am every Sunday night" to "this maintainence script needs run once a
week, preferably when you're not doing anything else." More often than
not, the latter is all that's really required.

Anacron considers the problem from a different point of view, and for a
lot of people's needs, this may be more appropriate than the traditional

They come right out and say on their home page that this isn't meant to
replace the traditional Cron system, but rather to supplement it for
people with different usage patterns (laptops, people who turn their
machine off at night, etc).

Chris Devers

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