On Jul 27, 2004, at 2:29 PM, Lola Lee wrote:

live/apache-listing.t 8 1 12.50% 5
Failed 1/41 test scripts, 97.56% okay. 1/761 subtests failed, 99.87% okay.

So, what do I need to do?

Brian's right. With 760 successful tests, odds are good that the one failure is the result of a bug in the test, not a bug in the module.

If you just want to install the module, do 'force install HTTP::Request' in the CPAN shell.

If you'd like to do more research, do a 'look HTTP::Request' in the CPAN shell. That will unpack the module and open up a sub-shell in the unpacked directory. From there, have a look at the live/apache-listing.t file. The error was reported as happening at line 77, so you can see if the module feature being tested there is or isn't one that you plan to use.


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