On Sep 9, 2004, at 5:41 PM, Ian Ragsdale wrote:

Effortless & transparent handling & switching of line endings.

It's the little things that matter, isn't it? You'd almost be able to write-off this feature as trivial until you start dealing with the hassles that line endings from different platforms can cause. Developing in a mixed platform environment can be a real nightmare.

I do all my Perl scripting in BBEdit on OS X, almost exclusively, primarily to avoid issues with line endings. My boss works on a Windows machine and occasionally has to alter my scripts there (or data files associated with them) forgetting sometimes that Notepad will change the line breaks to DOS style which causes the script to fail online. He occasionally comments that he wishes there were something on Windows like BBEdit.

I've done a lot of searching and a lot of asking around, but have yet to find such a thing. Is there a text editor (preferably something simple) on Windows that allows you to deal with line breaks the way BBEdit does?

--Rick Anderson
"The only difference between me and a madman,
is that I am not mad." -- Salvador Dali

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