On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Mark Wheeler wrote:

> There are instructions for installing ImageMagic on the ImageMagick site.


As I was saying though, if you install Fink, you can take advantage of 
the fact that someone already automated all of this for you. 

But hey, some people like re-inventing wheels... :-)

> Should I just follow the Unix instructions?

If you really want to prove to yourself how much rounder your wheel will 
be, then yes, use the Unix instructions.

> Am I going in the right direction here, or is there something else 
> (Imager?) that will do the same thing with less of an installation 
> procedure?

ImageMagick is a big, complex package to start with, but it can also do 
a huge number of things, and there are quite a lot of people using it. 
You may be able to do just fine with a simpler library
> Just had a thought. Is installing a C library a different process then
> installing a perl module?

Lots of Perl modules are written partly in C (or XS, whatever), so in 
some ways there isn't much of a difference. But more broadly, yeah, a 
pure C library is often installed in ways similar to Perl libraries.

Really though, I'm not kidding, don't bother with this. It Hurts.

Download Fink from <http://fink.sf.net/>. 

Install it.

Follow the instructions for setting it up.

Launch a new shell, and just type

    $ sudo apt-get install imagemagick

If a binary is available -- I seem to remember that it is -- then Fink 
will download both Imagemagick and any libraries it depends on, and will 
install everything for you. 

If the binary isn't available, skip apt-get & build it from source:

    $ sudo fink -y install imagemagick

At that point, all you have to do is hook Perl up to it by installing 
the Image::Magick CPAN module. Again, Fink will help you here.

    $ sudo apt-get install perlmagick-pm581

or, once more, build from source, with

    $ sudo fink -y install perlmagick-pm581

Plant, water, watch it grow, harvest when ripe.

You can do this all by hand, but there's not much point in doing so.

Chris Devers

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