This is a TODO for the release of MacPerl 5.8.  If you want to do
anything on the list, please post here so we can coordinate.  A person's
name in () denotes that person is working on it.

various bugs (see
ext/ tests
        * Time::HiRes fails with various alarms (Chris)
        * Devel::DProf tests don't work at all
lib/ tests
        * charnames.t [fixed]
        * Devel/SelfStubber.t  [fixed]
        * File/DosGlob.t  [fixed]

        * ExtUtils tests [open]
        * lib.t [open]
        * File/Spec/t/Spec.t [open]
        * h2ph.t, h2xs.t [open]
        * x2p/s2p.t [open]

All other tests are passing (or I am ignoring for now, because of known
bugs in MacPerl).

Thomas, you want to look at File::Spec, since that's your thing?  :-)

x2p/s2p.t has two tests failing (after some porting by me).  It is low
priority.    h2ph and h2xs tests are low priority too.

Maybe I will get to the ExtUtils tests tomorrow.  It's kinda ugly in there,
but I started on it.  It won't be too tough for most of it.

Deep breath.

So, that takes care of most of it, except for lib.t.

lib.t seems to need some work, or some thought.  It expects things to
happen in MacPerl's @INC that are not happening, so it is not a matter of
fixing lib.t.  The behavior is thus:

:perl -I::lib    ::lib:lib.t
ok 1 - use Yup;
not ok 2 - lib adding at end of @INC
#     Failed test (::lib:lib.t at line 54)
#          got: '../lib'
#     expected: 'stuff/moo'
# @INC == stuff/moo ../lib
not ok 3 -     auto/ dir in front of that
#     Failed test (::lib:lib.t at line 56)
#          got: 'stuff/moo'
#     expected: 'stuff/moo/MacPPC'
ok 4 -     no duplicates
ok 5 - %INC set properly
ok 6 - do() works
ok 7 -    require()
ok 8 -    use()
ok 9
ok 10 - @lib::ORIG_INC
ok 11 - no lib
ok 12 -    do() effected
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 12.

It expect to see @INC = ('stuff/moo/MacPPC', 'stuff/moo') but is seeing
('stuff/moo', '../lib') instead.  I don't know what to do offhand, and am
inclined to ignore it for now, though thoughts are welcome.  :-)

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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