Trying to come up with a way to write cross-platform, shell safe perl
one-liners was causing me to lose sleep.  So I've given up one trying to
write One Unified One Liner and instead took a page from the perl core test
suite's t/ run_perl().

There is now a perl_oneliner() method which given some perl code and
switches will generate a safe one liner.  Overrides have been put in
MM_Win32, MM_Unix and MM_VMS to do the escapes and quoting appropriate for
that platform.  After playing with it some, I added suport for newline
escaping (which could probably be improved to use multiple -e's) and
stripping of leading/trailing newlines.

It doesn't do everything, just enough to handle the code I've thrown at it
so far.

If the VMS and Win32 folks could examine their versions of perl_oneliner()
to make sure I got it right.

Also, we need one for MacOS Classic.

The end result?  Instead of this:

  return <<'MAKE_FRAG';
  dist : $(DEFAULT)
        $(NOECHO) $(PERL) -le "print 'Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with 
$(VERSION_FROM)' if -e '$(VERSION_FROM)' and -M '$(VERSION_FROM)' < -M '$(MAKEFILE)';"

you can do this:

    my $date_check = $self->perl_oneliner(<<'CODE', ['-l']);
print 'Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $(VERSION_FROM)'
  if -e '$(VERSION_FROM)' and -M '$(VERSION_FROM)' < -M '$(MAKEFILE)';

  return sprintf <<'MAKE_FRAG', $date_check;
  dist : $(DEFAULT)
        $(NOECHO) %s

so the code formatting is natural and you don't have to worry about quoting.

The end result in the Makefile is icky:

dist : $(DIST_DEFAULT)
        $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) -l -e 'print '\''Warning: Makefile possibly out of 
date with $(VERSION_FROM)'\''\
  if -e '\''$(VERSION_FROM)'\'' and \
     -M '\''$(VERSION_FROM)'\'' < -M '\''$(MAKEFILE)'\'';'

but its more important that the MakeMaker code is easy to maintain than the
resulting Makefile.

The real win is that with the ability to generate portable one-liners, a
whole slew of duplicate method overrides in MM_VMS and MM_Win32 that are
just there to change quoting from ' to " go away.

So, if anyone has a little free time you can start running through the
MM_Unix code and replacing ad-hoc one-liners with perl_oneliner() generated


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
"Please hold while reality is adjusted to match my ideal world."
        -- njt

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