In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) wrote:

> Using MacPerl 5.6.1 under Classic (not Mac OS X perl), I've noticed that 
> loading Mac::MoreFiles alters @INC, as the following script demonstrates:
> ----------- script ------------
>    use lib qw(lib);
>    print "Before, \@INC:\n", map " * $ \n", @INC;
>    eval 'use Mac::MoreFiles';
>    print "After, \@INC:\n", map " * $ \n", @INC;

It really could be any module that uses DynaLoader, it has nothing to do 
with Mac::MoreFiles (and as such, I've set followups to macperl-porters).

> ----------- output ------------
>    Before, @INC:
>     * lib
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:lib:MacPPC:
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:lib:
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:site perl:
>     * :
>     * Dev:Pseudo:
>    After, @INC:
>     * lib:
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:lib:MacPPC:
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:lib:
>     * Junior:Applications (Mac OS 9):MacPerl Ÿ:site perl:
>     * :
>     * Dev:Pseudo:
> -------------------------------
> That "lib:" is a problem, because it refers to the root level directory 
> of a volume called "lib", not a directory called "lib" relative to the 
> current directory.

Then you really should use lib ':lib' or ':lib:', not 'lib'.  Here's the 
offending code of

    foreach (@INC) {
      # ...
      my $dir;
      if ($Is_MacOS) {
          $_ .= ":"  unless /:$/;
          $dir = "${_}auto:$modpname";

This demonstrates the problem with using "lib".  You would end up with a 
$dir like "lib:auto:Mac:MoreFiles:", which is an illegal path unless lib 
*is* a volume name.

In 5.8, it is different:

    foreach (@INC) {
      # ...
      my $dir;
      if ($Is_MacOS) {
          my $path = $_;
          if ($Mac_FS && ! -d $path) {
            $path = Mac::FileSpec::Unixish::nativize($path);
          $path .= ":"  unless /:$/;
          $dir = "${path}auto:$modpname";

So there are a few changes here.  One is that we don't modify @INC, and the 
other is that we try to handle Unix paths if the existing path doesn't 
exist.  This would also change "lib" to ":lib" if "lib" didn't exist (which 
I suppose isn't very useful, but it's an interesting side note).

There are also other changes for (similar to the change to and path handling in perl.c, for perl 5.8.

> What I really need is a way to do "use lib qw(:lib:);" in a 
> cross-platform way, and apparently "use lib qw(lib);" isn't going to 
> work as well as I'd hoped with 5.6.  As a workaround, I'm doing "use lib 
> File::Spec->catdir('lib');", which seems to work.

Yes, that is the "workaround" (really, the proper approach :-) I'd 
recommend.  Of course, it fails miserably if you can't find File/, 
but really, if that's the case, you probably can't find either.  You 
could also try "./lib", but that is only working in 5.8, I believe.

In any event, I'd recommend the File::Spec method, but I will consider the change for 5.6.1r2 (I need to go back and see what else it 
might break, what other changes accompany it, etc.).

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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