At 10:57 -0700 2003.01.26, Ryan Joseph wrote:
>Hello.  I'm looking for the means to interface a editor of mine to MacPerl
>but cannot find any supporting information. I assume it involves sending
>AppleEvents but I can't find these details either. Is someone able to direct
>me to the pertinent information? cheers.

So you want your editor to show up with its own menu, as BBEdit can?  Most
of the code to tell you how to do it is available:

Specifically, I think you want MPEditor.c.  It handles all the
communication with the external editor (IIRC).  It shows you what MacPerl
sends to the external editor, and expects to receive.

I also wonder if there might be a way to get your hands on the Alpha source:

I believe Alpha acts as an external editor just as BBEdit does, so if you
can get their source, that might help.

Does that help?  If you want more specific information, fire away.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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