Yves de Champlain wrote:
> There is something else.
> Right now, gimp2 has
> python24
> without_gnome
> without_python
> To follow your (rainer's) logic, gimp2 would then have
> python24
> python25
> gnome
> with gnome and python25 both as default.
> Is this possible with the current implementation?
> Next, let's say I want python24, then I will have to do
> port install gimp2 +python24 +gnome

No, you would have to do
port install gimp2 -python25 +python24

We don't want python25, but we want to use python24 instead. python25
needs to be explicitely deselected since both would be conflicting. But
+gnome would be not affected and is still selected automatically from

> If I don't want gnome I'll have to do
> port install gimp2 +python25

No, it should be
port install gimp2 -gnome

Which would still install python25, as this wasn't overwritten from

> The point is that internals and default become less transparant and more
> complex for the user.

I admit it is a little bit more complex to deselect default_variants if
they are conflicting, like in the python24/python25 case... But after
all, it makes sense to write something like -python25 +python24 (think
that as "without python25, with python24").

> Many might do "-gnome" and miss python or "python24" and miss gnome ... 
> That is the problem with default variants.

Default variants are implemented as they have to be explicitely
deselected if someone does not want them. But deselecting one variant
does still select others from default_variants.

I find a good example is the herrie port. It has some default_variants
set, but you can deselect them and/or select additional variants.
Some examples:
  port install herrie
  herrie 1.8.1_0+http+mp3+scrobbler+vorbis+xspf

  port install herrie -http
  herrie 1.8.1_0+mp3+scrobbler+vorbis+xspf

  port install herrie -http +modplug
  herrie 1.8.1_0+modplug+mp3+scrobbler+vorbis+xspf

Hope it is now more clear how that works and what I meant.

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