Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> Isn't it fine the way it works now? It's that way, I think, so that,  
> if you already have foo installed, but now you want foo +bar, you can  
> "sudo port install foo +bar", and it'll fetch and configure and build  
> and destroot and install, however long that takes, and then it'll  
> print the message that foo is already installed. Then you can "sudo  
> port deactivate foo" and "sudo port activate foo +bar" and within a  
> few seconds have the port swapped out.

But if I already got foo, I don't want to wait for `port install foo'
take a long time just to tell me that I already got it.

Maybe my request was not clearly phrased. If the Portfile modification 
date is newer than the installation date, "port install foo" will always 
begin to fetch and build, although you can't install the exact same 
port/version/revision/variant twice. Installing will just not succeed. 
And the time spent on building this was most probably wasted.

By the way, if I want a port with additional variants, I use `port -unf 
upgrade foo +bar'.

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