On 6/8/09 6:17 PM, Jim Meyer wrote:
On 6/8/09 2:46 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
It is also a very good way to get an exact idea of what ports are being installed. You can then see that port x has been installed 400 times, 390 of those with no issues, 10 of those with some issue.

I proposed this two years ago but was shot down because this was considered an invasion of privacy and people didn't want MacPorts "phoning home". I had wanted to have a nice status display on the MacPorts homepage showing which ports were the most popular, for example. I see their point, but I'm glad to re-open the topic if attitudes have changed.

Check out the CPAN::Reporter perl module. It's essentially an opt-in to just this sort of thing for Perl modules; if you install it, suddenly your build results are sent in.

Forgot the link:


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