On Jun 29, 2009, at 19:14, Rainer Müller wrote:

The problem is not the ping-based selection of servers. A server can
sucessfully respond to ICMP echo requests, but may drop any packets sent over TCP to port 80/21 - by firewall rules on the host itself or on the route. This means it will not even respond with "Connection refused" and
thus leaves the connection in a half-established state which will only
be resolved by a timeout.

In MacPorts 1.7 curl will use a timeout which is about 5 minutes for
this purpose. This has been changed to shorter timeouts on trunk
recently [1] by Joshua. Of course it is still just a good guess as you
cannot tell how long a server will really need to respond.

The new timeout of 30s should be less annoying than the old 5 minutes,
while it should be enough time for most servers. I don't think anyone
wants to fetch from a server which needs longer than 30s to deliver a
single TCP packet :-)

True. But what started me on this line of questioning was Toby's statement that the server does not respond to pings.

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