
I am trying to create a new Portfile (attached) for a python script (namely 
https://sourceforge.net/projects/cif2cell/ ). In principle, everything goes 
well, not much to do, it's just that the script does not work as intended. If 
however, I run the cif2cell file included in the tar.gz-Archive, everything 
works fine. The only difference I could find between the cif2cell script 
included in the tar.gz and the one generated by the python setup.py sequence 
run by the mac ports build command is in the very first line. The original 
script reads

#!/usr/bin/env python

while the newly generated one reads


On my system /usr/bin/env python evaluates (via multiple soft links) to 
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python2.7 both 
this file and the other file are binaries created by the mac port python27. I 
can see the binaries are different.

I now have two questions: 
* What is the difference between those two python binaries?
* How can I modify the Portfile to get the script to use the other one instead?



Attachment: Portfile
Description: Binary data

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