It sounds like some sort of process needs to created.

Release has a process: does anything else though? Planning for release seems 
haphazard as does apparently getting commit access.

In addition to creating a process, it might be ideal to designate a person or 
two to ensure the process happens and moves along.

On Oct 25, 2013, at 18:13, Rainer Müller <> wrote:

> My apologies that the commit request process takes that long. I was not
> aware that our backlog of outstanding commit access requests now reaches
> back so many months already. Sometimes we just do not come around to
> review the requests we got, as checking contributions on both mailing
> lists, Trac tickets, etc. can be a time consuming task. We usually try
> to reach an agreement with multiple votes, which means more than just
> one of us needs to do a review.

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