On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:16 PM,  <c...@macports.org> wrote:
> Revision 117749 Author c...@macports.org Date 2014-03-10 14:16:12 -0700 (Mon,
> 10 Mar 2014)
> Log Message
> textmate2: update to a9517

9517 isn't released a as a "normal release" for the alpha branch,
given the Macports' policy of releasing stable version of software I
think only "normal releases" should be followed for TextMate2, unless
there's some actual bug affecting usability.

For the others: we're talking alpha releases anyway so not exactly the
"stable" meaning used when talking about other ports but it's the only
version of TextMate 2 available so far.

That said on my system both 9515 and 9517 are broken, I guess due to
the XCode 5.1 update.
Namely building it breaks at Frameworks/file/src/reader.cc around line
70 where the io_error() calls are returning void and the constructor
doesn't accept that. I see the io_error() definition in reader.h and I
actually I don't get how it used to build before.

Can you correctly build textmate2 port using 5.1?

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