On Jan 13, 2016, at 6:37 AM, Craig Treleaven wrote:

On Jan 13, 2016, at 2:19 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Jan 12, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Craig Treleaven wrote:

Adding 'configure.env-append    PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=${prefix}/include’  makes the MythTV build work the way it does on Linux (aka “successfully”).

But is that because -I/opt/local/include then gets inserted into the correct place in the compile line, or because -I/opt/local/include is omitted from the compile line and it only works because MacPorts also happens to set CPATH=/opt/local/include and you're using a newer compiler that supports that? (Granted, only very old versions of clang don't support CPATH.)

There is no '-I/opt/local/include' anywhere in my compiler args now so I assume CPATH is used.  

I figured.

BTW, you made me curious.  A recent Fedora23 compile log from a Myth’s buildbot is at:


If you search for “-I/usr/include “, the only hits are invocations of Qt’s mod!  Never appears in the compiler args.

That's expected because /usr/include is a special location. Compilers know to check there automatically. They do not know to check in /opt/local/include automatically so you have to tell them to check there. The normal should-work-everywhere way to do that is by putting -I/opt/local/include into the CPPFLAGS environment variable. If that causes problems for the myth build, that is a bug in the myth build system that the myth developers should fix.

So I’m now building the “Myth-blessed” way!  ;)

It would be silly of them to say that it is not supported to build myth with dependencies installed in a prefix other than /usr.

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