> On Jan 23, 2016, at 14:08, Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Would it be possible to implement a way to use the cxx11 PortGroup
> without having to use libc++ as default stdlib? Maybe with an
> additional configuration like:
>    PortGroup cxx11 1.0
>    cxx.require_global_libc++ no
> (but with a better keyword of course).
> What I have in mind are ports that require C++11, but don't have any
> C++ dependencies and thus don't suffer from stdlib incompatibility.
> Examples of such ports would be root6, newer versions of clang etc.

Yes, there are clients which use just the C++ STL and don't export any C++ 
APIs.  However, clang is not one of them.  It has C++ dependecies (llvm) and 
exports C++ APIs (libclang).  Since it can't be built on older systems anyways, 
we just force libc++.

> It
> would be handy to have a shortcut, but cxx11 PortGroup alone is a tiny
> bit too restrictive.

What benefit does "cxx.require_global_libc++ no" have over the current approach 
of just doing:

    configure.cxx_stdlib libc++
    depends_lib-append port:libcxx

> Mojca
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