On Jan 26, 2016, at 11:55 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> There were performance concerns earlier in the discussion but I'm not sure if 
> the latest version of the patch attached there resolves them.

the latest comment that mentions it says it's a 2x slowdown (better than the 
original 10x slowdown).

As mentioned in the ticket - this is really something that needs to be 
configurable if it's added (I can see how one might want this on a small SSD, 
but I  don't want it set on my large disk array...)

Daniel J. Luke                                                                  
| *---------------- dl...@geeklair.net ----------------* |                      
| *-------------- http://www.geeklair.net -------------* |                      
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                      
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |                      

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