> On Mar 30, 2016, at 8:36 PM, Kevin Walzer <k...@codebykevin.com> wrote:
> On 3/30/16 9:28 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> /usr/bin/open is not necessarily suitable. For example, I have configure my 
>> system so that if I `open` a .html file, it opens into my text editor, 
>> because I frequently edit html files. However, if another program is trying 
>> to open a web page, then I want that web page to open in my web browser, not 
>> my text editor.
> You are technically correct, but I suspect your use case is going to be 
> applicable only for a small group of users who are also developers.

It applies to any user who has changed the file association for .html files. 
There's no reason to inconvenience that subset of users when a solution exists.

> /usr/bin/open is the command-line interface to the LaunchServices API, which 
> is supposed to handle all this. I am not aware of any clean way to query 
> Safari's preferences to determine the default browser without groveling 
> through plist files, or perhaps AppleScript.
> (Looking on the web, I see your openbrowser script does exactly that--grinds 
> through plist files via Perl--but that introduces an additional dependency. 
> I'd suggest that using a system-bundled tool is almost always better. It's 
> certainly simpler.)

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