
On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 05:01:08PM +0200, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> Apparently not, were they sent on this ML? If so I must have applied
> too strict filters (basically "don't send list messages and don't
> filter copies sent to my own address" ...)


> > Re-login after the migration couldn't be avoided, since our
> It's not the re-login that annoys me, it's the fact that each time I
> have to log in I have to take additional actions to go back to where I
> wanted to do something that required the login. And the login link is
> tiny, too ^^

Can't reproduce. If I open a ticket and click the login button it takes
a second or two until all the redirection associated with OAuth has
happened and drops my right back where I was.

The size of the login link is the same size as all other links in the
top bar. If you think those should be larger, feel free to suggest a
patch to https://github.com/macports/trac.macports.org/.

> Ideally, forums and ticket trackers provide a login-on-demand feature
> that is triggered when required as part of an operation that requires
> authentication.

We're limited by Trac's options here. While we can modify the
authentication scheme with plugins, making every page that requires
authentication a login page is somewhat more complicated. Additionally,
a lot of pages exist both without and with authentication with different
results, so this wouldn't apply.

> I don't know how much control you have over the software that replaced
> trac (it's something I've never seen before on github) but if you do
> this might be something to keep in mind for a future revision.

The software that replaced Trac is Trac. I'm not sure what you are
talking about here.

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