Hash: SHA1

Dear all,

On 30.10.16 17:28 Clemens Lang wrote:

> I'd suggest to just enable it without a variant. If it's
> configurable at runtime, I don't see the need to make users jump
> through hoops.

I tried both, and both seemed to work in my tests.

This is just a rough draft, as I do not know if it is better to put
the trust-anchors in a separate file (which seems to be the case
upstream) or not.

Find my two Portfiles attached.

Comment: Using GnuPG with SeaMonkey - http://www.enigmail.net/

# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; 
c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id: Portfile 148957 2016-05-23 19:28:42Z s...@macports.org $

PortSystem          1.0

name                dnsmasq
version             2.76
categories          net
license             GPL
maintainers         snc openmaintainer
description         lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server
long_description    Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS \
                    forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide \
                    DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can \
                    serve the names of local machines which are not in the \
                    global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS \
                    server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated \
                    addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured \
                    either in each host or in a central configuration \
                    file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases \
                    and BOOTP for network booting of diskless machines.
homepage            http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html

platforms           darwin

notes               "A startup item has been generated that will aid in\
                    starting ${name} with launchd. You must specify the\
                    path to resolv.conf. For your protection, this script\
                    is disabled by default. Execute the following command\
                    to start it, and to cause it to launch at startup:\
                    \n\nsudo port load ${name}"

master_sites        http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/
use_xz              yes

checksums           rmd160  9932b6624dd705fa8826b055ebe23138d3b0302b \
patchfiles      patch-src-config.h.diff \

post-patch {
    reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/src/config.h
    reinplace s|#resolv-file=|resolv-file=/etc/resolv.conf| \

use_configure       no

variant universal {}

build.env-append    CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags]"
destroot.env-append    CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags]"

destroot.args       PREFIX=${prefix}
destroot.keepdirs   ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name}

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.url       ${master_sites}
livecheck.regex     LATEST_IS_(\\d\\.\\d+)

# TODO: remove no_* variants after 2015-01-09
if { ! [variant_isset no_dhcp] } {
    default_variants-append +dhcp
if { ! [variant_isset no_tftp] } {
    default_variants-append +tftp
if { ! [variant_isset no_ipv6] } {
    default_variants-append +ipv6

variant no_dhcp conflicts dhcp description { obsolete } {}
variant dhcp conflicts no_dhcp description { Provide built-in DHCP server } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_DHCP

variant no_tftp conflicts tftp description { obsolete } {}
variant tftp conflicts no_tftp description { Provide built-in TFTP server } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_TFTP

variant no_ipv6 conflicts ipv6 description { obsolete } {}
variant ipv6 conflicts no_ipv6 description { Provide IPV6 support } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_IPV6

variant dnssec description {Enable DNSSEC} {
    patchfiles-append    patch-src-config.h_DNSSEC.diff

set COPTS {}
if {![variant_isset dhcp]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_DHCP
if {![variant_isset tftp]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_TFTP
if {![variant_isset ipv6]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_IPV6
if {[llength $COPTS] > 0} {
    set mycopts [join $COPTS " "]
    build.args-append COPTS="$mycopts"

post-destroot {
    copy ${worksrcpath}/dnsmasq.conf.example 

    # Create the directory that dnsmasq likes to store its pid in.
    xinstall -d -m 777 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name}

    # Set up a launchd item.  The daemondo wrapper is not needed.

    # Create the plist file.
    set itemname    ${startupitem.name}
    set uniquename  ${startupitem.uniquename}
    set plistname   ${startupitem.plist}
    set daemondest  ${startupitem.location}
    set itemdir     ${prefix}/etc/${daemondest}/${uniquename}

    file mkdir ${destroot}${itemdir}
    file attributes ${destroot}${itemdir} -owner root -group wheel

    set plist [open "${destroot}${itemdir}/${plistname}" w 0644]
    puts ${plist} "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    puts ${plist} "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 
    puts ${plist} "\"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\";>"
    puts ${plist} "<plist version='1.0'>"
    puts ${plist} "  <dict>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>Disabled</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>Label</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <string>${uniquename}</string>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>ProgramArguments</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <array>"
    puts ${plist} "      <string>${prefix}/sbin/dnsmasq</string>"
    puts ${plist} "      <string>-k</string>"
    puts ${plist} "    </array>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>RunAtLoad</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>KeepAlive</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "  </dict>"
    puts ${plist} "</plist>"
    close ${plist}

    # Make a symlink to the plist file.
    file mkdir "${destroot}/Library/${daemondest}"
    ln -sf "${itemdir}/${plistname}" "${destroot}/Library/${daemondest}"

post-activate {
    # copy configuration file if not previously created
    if {![file exists ${prefix}/etc/dnsmasq.conf]} {
        copy ${prefix}/etc/dnsmasq.conf.example \
# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; 
c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id: Portfile 148957 2016-05-23 19:28:42Z s...@macports.org $

PortSystem          1.0

name                dnsmasq
version             2.76
categories          net
license             GPL
maintainers         snc openmaintainer
description         lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server
long_description    Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS \
                    forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide \
                    DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can \
                    serve the names of local machines which are not in the \
                    global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS \
                    server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated \
                    addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured \
                    either in each host or in a central configuration \
                    file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases \
                    and BOOTP for network booting of diskless machines.
homepage            http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html

platforms           darwin

notes               "A startup item has been generated that will aid in\
                    starting ${name} with launchd. You must specify the\
                    path to resolv.conf. For your protection, this script\
                    is disabled by default. Execute the following command\
                    to start it, and to cause it to launch at startup:\
                    \n\nsudo port load ${name}"

master_sites        http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/
use_xz              yes

checksums           rmd160  9932b6624dd705fa8826b055ebe23138d3b0302b \
patchfiles      patch-src-config.h.diff \
    patch-src-network.c.diff \

post-patch {
    reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/src/config.h
    reinplace s|#resolv-file=|resolv-file=/etc/resolv.conf| \

use_configure       no

variant universal {}

build.env-append    CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags]"
destroot.env-append    CC="${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags]"

destroot.args       PREFIX=${prefix}
destroot.keepdirs   ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name}

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.url       ${master_sites}
livecheck.regex     LATEST_IS_(\\d\\.\\d+)

# TODO: remove no_* variants after 2015-01-09
if { ! [variant_isset no_dhcp] } {
    default_variants-append +dhcp
if { ! [variant_isset no_tftp] } {
    default_variants-append +tftp
if { ! [variant_isset no_ipv6] } {
    default_variants-append +ipv6

variant no_dhcp conflicts dhcp description { obsolete } {}
variant dhcp conflicts no_dhcp description { Provide built-in DHCP server } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_DHCP

variant no_tftp conflicts tftp description { obsolete } {}
variant tftp conflicts no_tftp description { Provide built-in TFTP server } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_TFTP

variant no_ipv6 conflicts ipv6 description { obsolete } {}
variant ipv6 conflicts no_ipv6 description { Provide IPV6 support } {
    build.args-delete   -DNO_IPV6

set COPTS {}
if {![variant_isset dhcp]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_DHCP
if {![variant_isset tftp]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_TFTP
if {![variant_isset ipv6]} {
    lappend COPTS -DNO_IPV6
if {[llength $COPTS] > 0} {
    set mycopts [join $COPTS " "]
    build.args-append COPTS="$mycopts"

post-destroot {
    copy ${worksrcpath}/dnsmasq.conf.example 

    # Create the directory that dnsmasq likes to store its pid in.
    xinstall -d -m 777 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/${name}

    # Set up a launchd item.  The daemondo wrapper is not needed.

    # Create the plist file.
    set itemname    ${startupitem.name}
    set uniquename  ${startupitem.uniquename}
    set plistname   ${startupitem.plist}
    set daemondest  ${startupitem.location}
    set itemdir     ${prefix}/etc/${daemondest}/${uniquename}

    file mkdir ${destroot}${itemdir}
    file attributes ${destroot}${itemdir} -owner root -group wheel

    set plist [open "${destroot}${itemdir}/${plistname}" w 0644]
    puts ${plist} "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    puts ${plist} "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 
    puts ${plist} "\"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\";>"
    puts ${plist} "<plist version='1.0'>"
    puts ${plist} "  <dict>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>Disabled</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>Label</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <string>${uniquename}</string>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>ProgramArguments</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <array>"
    puts ${plist} "      <string>${prefix}/sbin/dnsmasq</string>"
    puts ${plist} "      <string>-k</string>"
    puts ${plist} "    </array>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>RunAtLoad</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "    <key>KeepAlive</key>"
    puts ${plist} "    <true/>"
    puts ${plist} "  </dict>"
    puts ${plist} "</plist>"
    close ${plist}

    # Make a symlink to the plist file.
    file mkdir "${destroot}/Library/${daemondest}"
    ln -sf "${itemdir}/${plistname}" "${destroot}/Library/${daemondest}"

post-activate {
    # copy configuration file if not previously created
    if {![file exists ${prefix}/etc/dnsmasq.conf]} {
        copy ${prefix}/etc/dnsmasq.conf.example \
--- src/config.h.orig   2016-10-30 07:35:53.000000000 +0100
+++ src/config.h        2016-10-30 07:36:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 /* #define HAVE_DBUS */
 /* #define HAVE_IDN */
 /* #define HAVE_CONNTRACK */
-/* #define HAVE_DNSSEC */
+#define HAVE_DNSSEC
 /* Default locations for important system files. */
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