
Looking at upgrading my MacPorts base I noticed this tidbit in the commit 
0ecff30a328993179b757a13830a1a5249839dd8 message:

The new catch command
> can't simply be aliased in to the slaves like we
>     normally do for shared commands because it uses uplevel and aliases add
>     an extra call level.

Does this mean that every expression in every Portfile or PortGroup that uses 
catch has to be verified and possibly rewritten to handle the extra call level?
I see that the native catch is available as "builtin_catch"; is there any way 
of knowing when the wrapper is required because the caught expression can raise 
signals, i.e. when those Tclx signal handlers can come into action during 
evaluation of an expression and when the can't?

PS: native_catch would have been a bit less ambiguous than builtin_catch IMHO, 
if it's a command that is not off-limits to us poor mere mortals of course.


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