On 3/31/17 6:23 PM, Rainer Müller wrote:
First of all, great to see a proposal coming from you as a project member!
We do not have anything else in Go yet, so this would be new to our
infrastructure. I am a bit hesitant with that, because even after this
GSoC, we will need someone to maintain this service. Personally, I also
know next to nothing about Go.
I'll maintain it :)

Go produce static binaries and should be easy to deploy.
The other details given in the proposal are still quite sparse. I do not
yet see everything this project includes and how you will use the time
for the proposed task. Remember the GSoC program is meant to keep you
working for 12 weeks.
Updated the gist with more details.

I was wondering which should I follow " How to work with us" on GSoC website or
Could you give us a timeline? Do you have any milestones, especially for
the midterm evaluation? What will be the status at the end of GSoC this
summer? Is your plan to have it fully deployed already?
Updated the gist. Yes, I plan to have it fully deployed.
How will the bot work in detail? I guess listening to the webhooks?
Where will it get its database for the maintainers? Or do you intend to
parse the submitted/modified Portfile?
Sure, it will listen to the webhooks and need a URL for that.

It will get the maintainers from unmodified Portfile for security considerations. However if the migration to GitHub handles didn't make it will have to get that from a database.
What will the scripts for Travis CI be written in? Can we reuse code
from the buildbot infrastructure, namely mpbb [1] which is written in
bash shell script? What are steps you will take to implement this
YAML and Bash. mpbb code can be reused.

To implement this, first let Travis generate archives for base and then
use the archive and modified mpbb to test the PR.

Best regards,
Zero King

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