On 2017-06-27 11:31, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> ----> Installing dependency (55 of 120) 'cairo' with variants 
>> '+quartz+universal+x11'
>> ...
>> Error: glib2: Variant quartz conflicts with x11
> The cairo port has for years had both x11 and quartz variants that are both 
> enabled by default. The glib2 port recently got x11 and quartz variants 
> added, and they conflict with one another, as they do in most ports that have 
> them; the user must choose one or the other. The default is x11, as it is for 
> other ports that have this choice.
> I think the problem is that mpbb is explicitly specifying the variants when 
> installing the dependencies, particularly since wine is 32-bit so it needs 
> the dependencies installed with the universal variant, and when installing 
> cairo with x11, quartz and universal, it is passing those variants down to 
> cairo's dependencies, including glib2.

Hm, interestingly the same would happen when trying to install cairo
while explicitly requesting +x11 +quartz variants on a clean prefix.
This can only be resolved by installing glib2 first.

> I don't know why mpbb is specifying all the variants when building 
> dependencies. It seems like it would be enough to just specify universal, and 
> let the port's default variants take care of the rest.

I think the idea was to expand default variants to the build request,
such that lookups in the failcache would match. Selecting a default
variant was supposed to have the same effect as building without
selecting variants.

Apparently this is not true, so we should revert this behavior and only
pass explicitly requested variants.

As I understand it, in the worst case, we would try to build a port
multiple times as the failcache entry would not match. I don't think
this will happen that often.


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