Hi all

Since there are things which need discussions on where to add what or what
checks, I guess we can keep them ongoing for now. I've moved to the migrate
action and we can finalize on the issues later when you're back?


On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:

> On 2017-6-25 08:24 , Umesh Singla wrote:
>> Anyway I tried consulting the existing migration guide. Why does it save
>> the list of all installed ports and then sets the requested flags? Only
>> installing the requested and let the dependencies figure out themselves -
>> is it an improvement we're making now?
> This works the way it does partly because of the "unrequested port with
> requested variants" scenario I mentioned, and because users don't
> necessarily have the requested flag set on all the ports they want. (We
> didn't always have a requested flag. Also remember we can't currently
> distinguish between requested and unrequested variants.) The idea with
> restore_ports.tcl was to bring back the installed ports exactly as they
> were, as much as possible. Active, inactive, requested and unrequested; all
> just as they were previously.
> - Josh

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