Hi Abhishek,

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 6:12 PM, Abhishek Singh Bisht
<abhisinghbish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am interested in contributing to your project, by helping improve the 
> startup item code. I have seen the project description and will definitely be 
> able to implement the required features probably a couple extra ones too by 
> the end of summer.

Welcome to the MacPorts community!

> This mail is just to say hi and introduce myself, so I am Abhishek, a third 
> year B.E Computer Science and Engineering student from JSS Science & 
> Technology University(Formerly, SJCE Mysore).

 Thanks for your introduction. I am Jackson Isaac, one of the backup
admin and mentor this year for The MacPorts Project.

> To be honest I am proficient in C, Python but do not have direct hands on 
> experience with TCL, only have seen a bit of it when dealing with TKinter in 
> Python. Having said that, I am pretty sure it wouldn’t require much time for 
> me to learn TCL.

To begin with, you can go through [1]. This will give you a gist of Tcl.

Our code is at [2]. Clone, build and run - If you face issues or
difficulties feel free to ask :).

Try to understand the codebase and probably try to fix any open bugs
[3]. You can even start with Portfile development. I would like you to
open Pull Requests on github with your modifications.

For a walk-through the code base, you can also refer [4].

I hope you are also following our discussions on -dev list regarding
the projects (there is also a detailed discussion going on regarding
the project that you showed interest in). Feel free to add anything
that you would like to. We would love to hear your views and thoughts

[1] https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/tcltutorial.html
[2] https://github.com/macports/macports-base/
[3] https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Tickets
[4] https://youtu.be/46qshiDskrM

Jackson Isaac

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