
On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 11:32:50PM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> From 10th to 14th March we'll be meeting at the 2nd MacPorts Meeting
> in Slovenia.
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018
> During the last meeting we borrowed two older Mac Pros (box format,
> pretty old, but with quite some cores and speed) which we used for
> heavily testing the buildbot setup that we were playing with.
> In case any user has some spare old hardware that could be borrowed
> for the duration of the meeting, either physically (ideally without
> shipping/transport costs exceeding the price of hardware :) or by
> providing remote login with sudo rights, please let us know.

I still have an old G5 sitting around that I can (permanently) donate to
building things. It's probably not very useful to actually run the
buildbot interface, but it can be a build machine.

If somebody has a place to put it after the meeting, I'm happy to leave
it with them. Remember that the box is HEAVY and uses a lot of power,


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