On 2018-3-9 07:07 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Mar 8, 2018, at 11:24, Joshua Root wrote:
>> Code to check C++ stdlib linkage in rev-upgrade is now in master. That
>> takes care of the main obstacle to being able to change the default stdlib.
> Currently, we publish archives on packages.macports.org for 10.8 and earlier 
> that are built for libstdc++. Currently, if we were to create archives for 
> libc++ on those systems, the archive names would be the same. Is your plan to 
> leave it that way, or to change the archive names for libc++ to distinguish 
> them from the old libstdc++ archives?

I was not planning to rename the archives. It would work if we left all
the existing archives, albeit inefficiently when an archive using the
old stdlib is downloaded and immediately gets rebuilt. I figured we
could remove all the archives that use C++ (quick hacked together
example script attached - probably want to clean up old archives before
running it...).

- Josh

Attachment: cxx_archives.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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