On 2018-04-03 13:37, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> We can already trigger our Buildbot directly from GitHub and could spawn
>> a VM from a snapshot using libvirt.
> My (potentially wrong) impression was that libvirt only works:
> - from 10.11 on
I think you are mixing things up here. libvirt offers an abstraction
layer to control various hypervisors, such as qemu, VMware, VirtualBox,
ESX, etc. It would be used as a mechanism to start/stop VMs and manage

What you could possibly mean by the limitations is the
Hypervisor.framework (actually as of macOS 10.10). But that is only
needed on the host machine, not for the VMs running on that hypervisor.

> - with a bit of legal questionability

>From my understanding, it is legal to virtualize macOS, as long as the
hypervisor is running on a Mac as well, which is possible.


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