I'm working on a new /updated port for munin 2.x replacing 1.4.7.

Questions about policy:
- how to submit Portfile (unified diff against the previous version?)
- how to submit patch files (complete file as diff on diff is unreadable ?)
- how to remove patch files (submit empty file + note in comment ?)
- where to submit (in trac ?)

- port lint nitpicking complains about patchfile filenames, not ending in 
'.diff'. should i keep the previous names or change according to lint?

- munin has 2 cron jobs: munin-node and munin-cron. currently munin-node is 
implemented as a normal startupitem, munin-cron (1.4.7 munin-update) as a 
separate file because StartInterval=300 isn't supported by macports 
startupitem. wouldn't it be more logical to use seperate files for both as that 
is more clear to the user? or perhaps create a real crontab?

- munin stores html files in ${prefix}/www/munin. shouldn't that be 
/var/www/munin instead?

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