On 2018-04-19 13:31, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> I can't seem to use Expect in a portfile. Using the following minimal 
> portfile:
> PortSystem 1.0
> name foo
> version 1
> fetch {
>     system "expect -c 'spawn echo hello; interact;'"
> }
> And running:
> sudo port fetch
> I get this unexpected output:
> The system has no more ptys.  Ask your system administrator to create more.
> The system, of course, has ptys available, and running the expect command 
> outside of MacPorts works. Expect seems to be experiencing some problem, and 
> erroneously claims that the problem is no more ptys. How can I get Expect to 
> tell me what the real problem is? I've tried using Expect's "-d" flag to 
> print more information, but it doesn't illuminate the situation for me.
> I used to use Expect successfully in a portfile, but it was years ago and 
> much has changed in MacPorts base since then.

This is probably due to sandboxing. I guess Expect wants to open some
device such as /dev/ptmx read/write, but is not allowed to do so.


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