Hi Vishnu,

Welcome to The MacPorts Project!

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 4:15 AM, Vishnu <vishnum1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> So first thing.
> (a.1) I am planning to install ubuntu on my pc in a day.
>         I guess We can install Macports on that.

That's great. Let us know if you face any issues and if we could be of any help.

I was also thinking about cloud platform (specifically Google Cloud) which gives
you around 300$ of credits for one year where you could spin up a VM and test
the installation.

Note: It might need a Credit Card for authentication.

> (a.2 , a.3) Once macports is installed i'll install mpstats ,buildbot too.
> (b.1) I went and completed week 1.But i am unable to access week 3 , week
> 4.Because the course starts on April 30 i guess.
> I went through the topics.
> Week 3 : Subqueries and Join
> Week 4 : Modifying and Analyzing Data with SQL

I guess you can join the upcoming session and complete all the
assignments and weeks
before hand too (I was able to do so few weeks back).

> So now would learn more about these topics through youtube, many other
> resources.
> (b.2) Will look into them.
> (b.3) Django hopefully wouldn't be a problem.
> (c.0)  I would suggest that we create a new repository for your project
> under
> MacPorts, you fork it and use your own fork for endlessly playing with
> it, testing etc
> This sounds good.
> I think i would be more comfortable with Github.
> (c.2) Can be done.
> (c.3) You are talking about Build History data ..right?
> There is already a JSON API for it as you said..so cant we use it? (
> https://build.macports.org/json/help )
> (d.1 , d.2) Yes will do the research .
> (e.1) I think when i will be changing Buildbot to update the database after
> every build ..Then i would need Tcl.
> Will learn them as i get time.

Speaking from experience, I would suggest go through the basics of Tcl
and write some small sample programs to get the gist of Tcl.
This would help you recall whatever you tried now at a later point
of time when you actually touch macports-base.

https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl0.html helped me a lot.
I always keep this window open while developing base.

> Will see Project Description.
> Also i have my Semester End exams from 27 April - 7 may.
> So maybe i would not be able to reply on time.

No issues. Do well for the exams :) Keep us updated.

Looking forward to a great summer this year :)

Jackson Isaac

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