Currently in 10.14, the depreciation of the 32-bit support is achieved
through restricting the linker behavior when the 10.14 SDK is in use. Using
the 10.14 SDK results in the libSystem.tbd being used instead of
libSystem.dylib. The libSystem.tbd file masks the i386 symbols contained in
libSystem.dylib. So you can still compile i386 code in 10.14 on the command
line but have to either avoid specifying the 10.14 SDK or play with the
linkage flags to make sure that /usr/lib/libSystem.dylib is found before


On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 7:14 AM Christopher Jones <>

> On 20 Oct 2018, at 11:54 am, Randolph M. Fritz <> wrote:
> Thanks. So – what does that mean for a command line application? Or does
> it make any difference at all?
> Depends what you mean, building or running ?
> The bottom line is the writing has been on the wall for 32 bit
> applications in macOS for a while, and the changes in 10.14 are the start
> of the process to completely remove support. Rather than looking for ways
> to keep 32 bit builds going, I would suggest your effort is better spent
> migrating any applications you use to 64 bit builds.
> It would help if you had any specific examples, rather than to talk in
> generalities.
> Chris
> --
> Randolph M. Fritz || +1 206 659-8617 ||
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 1:18 AM Chris Jones <>
> wrote:
>> It is correct but has nothing really to do with the specific changes in
>> macOS 10.14. The macOS has been 64 bit for a long time now.
>> Mojave depreciates the running of 32 bit applications, and removes the
>> ability to build them, using the 10.14 SDK.
>> On 19 Oct 2018, at 10:14 pm, Randolph M. Fritz <>
>> wrote:
>> Here's a very old list from Apple; anyone care to say if it is still
>> correct?
>> --
>> Randolph M. Fritz || +1 206 659-8617 ||
>> On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 2:06 PM Randolph M. Fritz <>
>> wrote:
>>> I am unable to find anything from Apple on the specific changes that
>>> have been made to command line app compilation in Mojave.
>>> I think what has been done is that /usr/include has been moved, and
>>> longs and pointers are now 64 bits. Do I have that right?
>>> --
>>> Randolph M. Fritz

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