This doesn’t work:

    extract.suffix    = .gz
    extract.cmd       = gunzip
    extract.pre_args  = -c
    extract.post_args = "> ${workpath}"

so, I’m using this:

    extract {
        foreach f ${distfiles} {
            set stem [file rootname [file tail ${f}]]
            system -W ${distpath} "gunzip -c ${f} > ${workpath}/${stem}"

have to provide the extracted filename.

Mark Brethen

> On Nov 30, 2018, at 8:43 AM, Mark Brethen <> wrote:
> I can override the extract phase and use a foreach block with something like 
> this:
> STEM=$(basename "${f}" .gz)
>  gzip -c "${f}” >${extract_dir}/"${STEM}”
> Mark Brethen
>> On Nov 30, 2018, at 8:13 AM, Mark Brethen <> wrote:
>> For *.gz files (no tar), what’s the proper way to extract them to 
>> extract_dir? 
>> Mark Brethen

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