Thanks for the helpful response ^_^

Directly altering the code in the base, maybe I am not that much ready I

I think making a small introduction in the documentation for newcomers to
MacPorts community to get a really easy high level understanding on how the
MacPorts code flows to get trace mode working, is that a good idea? Maybe
coz I went through the same phase last few days.. @Mojca Miklavec
<> <>  I have been surfing through
the code, I can actually explain 50% I guess on how it works.

I am still halfway through tcl tutorial, but because I was now
understanding how it switched from tcl code to C code, I started looking
over it first.

Here a small flow of my understanding->
ports.tcl (if -t then global_options(ports_trace) = yes).
—>  macports.tcl(set porttrace)
—> porttrace.tcl(calling tracelib, and loading Darwintrace lib by
—> tracelib is defines in C code as function(TraceLibCmd) which is
interfaced to be a tcl command through Pextlib.c by the Tcl C api

Although the C code is much relieving to read but still I am new to
sockets. I read its basics to get pretty much familiar.
As per the plan, to provide cache storage for the data being received from
the server component, I still need a better understanding on this.

It would be great if you could provide me with some efficient learning way
further from here…
and should I focus on tcl or the Darwin C library code is my working place?



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