
Please, can I get a reply so that I can start working on either of the plan?
Karan Sheth

On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:45 PM KARAN SHETH <karan.sh...@somaiya.edu>

> Hey Mojca,
> Thanks for replying.
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 3:00 AM Mojca Miklavec <mo...@macports.org> wrote:
>> Dear Karan,
>> Warmly welcome to the MacPorts community!
>> On Mon, 25 Mar 2019 at 20:36, KARAN SHETH via macports-dev wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>>     I would like to start by saying this is not GSoC Proposal as the
>>> subject says but I had no idea what else to call it. This is just to make
>>> contact with you regarding a GSoC Project idea that I would really like to
>>> do.
>>>     My name is Karan Sheth. I have attached a doc link wherein all the
>>> personal info and a small bio (I didn't know how big it was needed, sorry
>>> if it's of improper size) and the rough project goal, the abstract is
>>> written.
>>>    I am extremely sorry for establishing contact soo late and I know
>>> there should be no excuse but I was occupied by college exams and other
>>> team activities wherein we organize workshops to teach others. I think I
>>> would be a perfect fit for this project cause of my experience with
>>> scraping and making apps in Django and Flask.
>>>    I would love to hear back from you regarding where should I start
>>> contributing to the project and how should I go about in making my final
>>> proposal, I know I am late to this but I assure you I will try my best to
>>> do any task very fast and properly.
>> You are not too late just yet, but the more time you have, the easier it
>> is to make a good proposal.
>> The first step you should make is to carefully read the mailing list
>> archive from both last year (from GSOC application period up to GSOC
>> beginning) and this year. We've provided a lot of information for this
>> project in particular as two students already asked about it, and some
>> started working on the demo projects already.
> As suggested I went through the past archives and found three projects :
> 1) From last year by Vishnu.
> 2) From this year by Arjun Salyan
> *.*
> 3) From this year by Rajdeep Bharati.
>> What we want you to do is to prove us that you are capable of carrying
>> out the project through the summer and make an outstanding contribution.
>> For that we would like to both see some of your code, as well as a detailed
>> plan of how to carry out the project.
>> Regarding the code: you can either build some demo from scratch, or
>> improve one of the three existing attempts of proof-of-concept apps
>> (upgrading would be better, but if there are too many problems, feel free
>> to start from scratch). Show us how your work would excel when applied to
>> MacPorts.
>> Another smaller challenge could be to create a Portfile for Buildbot 2.1,
>> to assist us in faster migration, as that would also be needed / helpful
>> for communication between the app and buildbot. Or anything else to aid
>> with a better application later.
> I plan on starting out with making a demo app for which I will either
> build upon last year's project or start from scratch and draw inspiration
> for the design from both the projects (If it's fine).
> Once the dynamic app is done, I will try making the Portfile for Buildbot
> 2.1 but I guess I will need a bit of help here.
>> (Another option for a project in Python would be bringing universal
>> packaging tool [1] to MacPorts.)
> I looked in to this option and it looks very exciting, this is what I have
> understood so far about bringing upt to MacPorts :
> - A UPT-Frontend and Backend will have to be created for macports.
> So the Frontend will take the Portfile from macports and convert it using
> UPT.
> But my doubt is, what is the UPT-Backend in this case, I know it should be
> MacOS but like in the example given on UPT repo its converts json from PYPI
> into Guix Pxg Definition.
> So same way, what would UPT do in case of Macports?
> I may be completely wrong here as I have no prior knowledge about UPT.
> Mojca
>> [1] https://fosdem.org/2019/schedule/event/package_software_with_upt/
>>> Thanks,
>>> Karan Sheth.
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gFP3pUIVnto9JlqT03X6JHMFzbbd-wqUuhxIAYbyiZg/edit?usp=sharing
>> Personal biography is probably ok, but the proposal itself is completely
>> missing, so there is not much that I could comment on, other than my plea
>> to take a slightly better care of grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect
>> English, but at least taking care of spacing (usually there is no space
>> before punctuation etc.) and even such trivial stuff as trying to use
>> capital "I" instead of the lowercase one when referring to yourself make
>> quite a difference. We'll be nitpicking about the code a lot, and this is
>> the first step ;)
>> I will be adding the milestones, Timeline, Stretch Goals, etc. later,
> once I am familiar with the overall project and deploy the demo app, if
> that's fine.
> I will try to improve my language.
> Now seeing that I have two choices - first to continue making the django
> app or to make upt, I will first look into UPT after my doubts raised above
> have been clarified and then decide which route to take.
> Thanks,
> Karan Sheth


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