On 18.05.19 00:04, Rainer Müller wrote:
> On 17.05.19 23:54, Umesh Singla wrote:
>> I tried setting one up. Well, it only takes one to sign up (email
>> optional) and create rooms. Please give it
>> a try: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#macports-public:matrix.org. This
>> one's a public room, you can see the messages but not talk until you
>> sign up. 
> You do not need to create a new room. Please just join the existing
> #freenode_#macports:matrix.org, which is bridged to our IRC channel.>
> I think this is the best approach, because we already have a large user
> base in the IRC channel. The Matrix bridge is ideal for those who wish
> to use a more mordern client or do not want to run their own bouncer to
> always stay connected.

I noticed now that only users registered with NickServ where allowed to
speak on the IRC channel. This might also have prevented new users
connected via Matrix to speak, unless you also registered with NickServ.
In case you could join the channel but were unable to send messages,
please try again now.

We had enabled this due to a spam wave a few months ago. I hope we can
relax this limitation now without getting the spam bots again. Sorry, I
had not thought of disabling this before.


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