
There are two ways of implementing what I have in mind:

1) variants, e.g. certbot-apache could be installed as certbot +apache 
(variants are very common in Portfiles)

2) sub-ports, where there are several sub-ports in a Portfile, e.g. php (maybe 
an extreme example) or sqlite3.

I didn’t develop the certbot-apache and certbot-nginx ports, but took over as 
maintainer, as I maintain py-acme and certbot. I would have implemented these 
as variants.

At this point option 2 is better, as the (sub-)port name won’t change, but I 
can update all three together  in a single Portfile.

> On Aug 30, 2019, at 9:24 AM, Bjarne D Mathiesen <> 
> wrote:
> Marius Schamschula wrote:
>> Bjarne,
>> I’m probably going to combine the current three certbot* Portfiles into
>> a single Portfile in the near future.
> Could you please point to a port, that implement what you want to do, as
> an example for me to follow :-) 🤓👍🏻
>> Marius
>> --
>> Marius Schamschula
> -- 
> Bjarne D Mathiesen
> Korsør ; Danmark ; Europa
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