On Sep 19, 2019, at 23:40, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> the documentation that comes along with many ports often seems like a heavy 
> and arguably needless burden:

> I vote we expect ports to not include anything but a few man pages. 
> Everything else should be either left out, or an optional variant. A note 
> where the website is for documentation in the port notes would be more than 
> sufficient.

Ports should always install manpages, license files, read me's, other small 
text files.

Larger documentation sets like pdfs, big collections of html files, things that 
need to be generated with pandoc or docbook or similar, or documentation in a 
separate download file should be in a separate (portname)-docs subport if 

Before subports existed, it was common to have a +docs variant to do that. 
These should be converted to (portname)-docs subports if possible.

Some build systems may make it difficult to build the docs separately from the 
main program but we should try to make it possible.

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