On Mon, 16 Mar 2020, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Mar 15, 2020, at 21:22, Joshua Root wrote:

On 2020-3-16 04:14 , Eric A. Borisch wrote:
It's been a decade since I set it up previously, and we've moved over to
GitHub Authentication in the interim. Any special directions for how to
set up a committer's @macports.org <http://macports.org> account now?

Are we talking about adding a new committer to the project, or an
existing committer who doesn't have a working @macports.org email alias
for some reason?

If the former, they need to apply to PortMgr as documented at

If the latter, email <ad...@macports.org> and the infrastructure team
should be able to help.

Josh's answer is correct if you were asking about how to configure what email 
address your @macports.org alias forwards to.

But if you were asking how to get Git to associate your commits with your @macports.org email address, then instructions for that are here:


And *those* instructions are probably not correct if you use git for anything other than MacPorts, assuming that you don't want to use your MacPorts alias for non-MacPorts uses.

There are both global and per-repo settings in git. In the general case, one would use the per-repo settings for the MacPorts-related repo(s). It's the same commands without the --global, but while cd'ed to the relevant repo(s).

Fred Wright

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